Aya Shimano-Bardai’s notes in the abstract for the piece “Coalescence”: “Coalescence (2016) is a seven minutes and thirty seconds long acousmatic stereo piece. The compositional structure delves into the transitions between contrasted sonic spaces – open and clustered, distant and close, sharp and mild, etc – by underlining its varied acoustic elements. Mainly based on […]
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Antonio D’Amato – Körper
Antonio D’Amato’s fixed audio media piece “Körper” is a fascinating experience in timbre and sonic palette. From his abstract: “Technically speaking the composition uses exclusively a short audio recording of a MRI test. A large number of processes and signal elaboration modules are applied in order to subdue the crude audio sample to the compositional […]
Read MoreTips for Musicians with Day Jobs (Tool #58)
Many of we musicians have day jobs. For some, it is a temporary, seasonal gig for extra cash. For some of us, it is a part time, or multiple part time, jobs to make ends meet. For some of us, we have full time jobs, both exempt and non-exempt. Some of us love our jobs, […]
Read MoreHelp music and dance students afford high-quality arts education

Hi All, This being Giving Tuesday and all, I would like to speak about something at my job that I am proud of. The Hartt Community Division‘s mission is: Enriching lives through innovative and unparalleled performing arts education The aspect of pride I wish to discuss is our Fund For Access (FFA). This is a need-based […]
Read MoreField Recordings – Tips (Tool #55)
One of my favorite parts of the compositional process of many of my pieces is taking field recordings. I enjoy taking my Zoom H4n with its windscreen and a pair of headphones, and going out to record sounds. I then have a library full of different timbres, attacks, durations, and sources of audio that I […]
Read MoreWhat to do when you don’t have any motivation to write or compose (Tool #54)
When I examine the current election cycle, I find it easy to fall into a pit of pessimism. I see a lot of suffering, and not much willingness to listen. I feel disillusioned by the current state of affairs in which we live, and I become depressed. What do I do, in these times when […]
Read MoreWhy is listening so important? (Tool #52)
As one can see, I have started to diversify the blog’s posts to include things I’m listening to, as well as analysis and reviews. One may wonder why this change has shifted, and so here is my rationale: My horizons have been way too slim. I have been operating in a relative vacuum compared to […]
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