Categories AdvocacyMental Illness

Bipolar and Surviving Podcast

The Bipolar and Surviving Podcast is taking off. For the basic (almost no) promotion I do, I’m excited that it is growing with just a few short episodes. So, I wanted to share it here, in the hopes that those of you who found my writings on mental illness on Composer’s Toolbox might take something away from the podcast, too!

Bipolar and Surviving Podcast

Bipolar and Surviving Podcast
Bipolar and Surviving podcast

The aim of the Bipolar and Surviving Podcast is to spread awareness and combat stigma around mental illness. There are a host of other blogs, websites, books, podcasts, videos, and speakers who do this, too! I am grateful that there are so many other people in this effort. What makes this podcast unique is that the goal is to share real stories of hope and survival, while focusing on basic, day-to-day things that affect everyone, whether the listener suffers from mental illness or knows someone who does. Rooted in a sense of empathy, this podcast is a project of mine that I enjoy because it allows me to practice gratitude, share stories of mine, spread compassion, and engage the world around me.

Plus, I love working with audio! Since I have 3 cats and an infant, it is sometimes hard to find a quiet space. The audio quality isn’t extremely high like I want it to be, in part because I use a lavalier microphone so that I can isolate my voice from the rest of my crazy, sometimes noisy, household. I also have to reduce the file quality, just like every podcast does, so that it is streamable. To counter all of these factors, I export with the highest quality I can get away with while making things streamable, and I use a variety of plugins from iZotope to reduce noise, mix my voice and music, and master the final mix. So, I go all-in on the audio, even if I don’t have the best recording environment! I do this all with my Zoom H4n and Logic Pro X.

What to expect from the podcast

You can expect from the podcast:

  • Real stories of hope and survival
  • An honest, compassionate approach
  • A fierce desire to combat stigma, presented in a tactful manner
  • Short episodes for easy digestion (most of them around 10 minutes or so)
  • Weekly posts
  • I also tend to throw in some of my own improvisations as the intro and outtro music

Where to find the Bipolar and Surviving podcast

You can find the podcast on:

RSS Feed:



Google Play Music:



I hope you will subscribe and become a listener! The great thing about podcasts is that they are free, so this content is available regardless of whether you have the means to spend money on content or not.

Enjoy, and keep on surviving!


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Tagged Tagged bipolar, bipolar and surviving, mental health, , podcast