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Hartford Opera Theater New in November 9 – Score Call is Live!

Hi All,
I’m happy to see that Hartford Opera Theater’s New in November series will be running again!  This is a score call for up to 6 composers to have their operas staged and performed.
With only 6 slots, no doubt it will be competitive.  But, the application fee is only $20, and it is an amazing opportunity.  I will be submitting to it–and you should, too!
Check out their website here!
Happy composing opera,
Please note: Hartford Opera Theater is NOT associated or affiliated with Composer’s Toolbox.
For more thoughts on score calls, check out these posts:
Score calls and competitions (introduction)
General Thoughts on Score Calls and Competitions

Tagged Tagged call for scores, , Hartford Opera Theater, , music composition, New in November, new music, opera, Score call, write music