The golden ratio – an aesthetic found in numerous places in visual art and nature, has been eluding many artists from ancient history to the present, and today it finds its place in sound design as well.
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P.M. Joyce – FairyTale
P.M. Joyce’s work “Fairytale” is a well-polished work that would work well in a film score.
Read MoreZekai Liu – Enigma
Zekai Liu’s work Enigma is a racing whirlwind of rhythm and the A blues scale.
Read MoreTimothy Lee Miller – “Divinitus”
Firmly rooted in the American Mavericks tradition, this work fuses hymns with polytonality and misalignment, a la Charles Ives.
Read MoreMitch Weakley – Keys, Strings, Clothespins
Mitch Weakley’s piece “Keys, Strings, Clothespins” investigates a C pentatonic scale with a flattened sixth step (Ab) through the lens of a prepared piano, and its consequent timbres.
Read MoreZoom G1Xon Guitar Effects Pedal – Review
Frustrated with the built-in sounds of Logic X and the direct-in from my amp into my interface, I needed better sound quality, more tones, and much more versatility. The Zoom G1Xon does not disappoint.
Read MoreJohn Wiggins – String II
“STRING II was made with “real” sounds – sounds that I recorded both in my studio and in the field. I used only the oddest bits of these recordings to go ahead and represent something else. Something that EVERYONE hears differently – its interpretation is up for grabs. I feel that’s important.”
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