Categories AnnouncementsProfessional Development

Why I didn’t finish tonight’s post… and will post it tomorrow

I had a concert of Hartt composer works to attend, which was fantastic.  Every work was so different and fascinating.  My piece, “pixelated obsidian”, seemed to go fine, but there were some real gems in this concert. It makes me wonder if I should compile a list of Hartt composer pieces into a playlist.  Perhaps […]

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Categories AnalysisEngravingFormHarmonyInstrumentationMelodyOpinionOrchestrationProfessional DevelopmentPsychology of MusicRhythmTheoryTools for Composers

Meaning in Mahler Symphony No. 1 (Part 3)

(Chart referenced in this post) Meaning in Symphony No. 1 Titles and Program As we see in the chart taken from Mitchell’s writings, the original title of the symphony was “Symphonic Poem” in two parts. Parts I and II were indicated, but not explicitly titled. The other movements were given brief titles. We know that […]

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Categories AnalysisEngravingFormHarmonyInstrumentationMelodyOpinionOrchestrationProfessional DevelopmentPsychology of MusicRhythmTheoryTools for Composers

Meaning in Mahler Symphony No. 1 (Part 2)

(Chart referenced in this post) Compositional History of Symphony No. 1 Most sources agree that Mahler wrote the majority of this symphony between January 20, 1888 and the end of March that year.[1] At this time, Mahler was a proponent of creating music based on building blocks—arranging and rearranging structures (especially pre-existing ones) to create […]

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Categories Announcements

Help music and dance students afford high-quality arts education

Hi All, This being Giving Tuesday and all, I would like to speak about something at my job that I am proud of. The Hartt Community Division‘s mission is: Enriching lives through innovative and unparalleled performing arts education The aspect of pride I wish to discuss is our Fund For Access (FFA).  This is a need-based […]

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Categories AnalysisEngravingFormHarmonyInstrumentationMelodyOpinionOrchestrationProfessional DevelopmentPsychology of MusicRhythmTheoryTools for Composers

Meaning in Mahler Symphony No. 1 (Part 1)

(Chart referenced in this post) Introduction Gustav Mahler is recognized as one of the greatest composers for the symphony orchestra, taking command of that medium during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His remarkable talent for orchestration and his innovative approach to form make his music inextricably linked to the development of orchestral composition […]

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Categories RhythmTools for Composers

Odd Time Signatures

Hi All, I love playing and writing in crazy time signatures.  Here is a great introduction to “feeling” these time signatures and rhythms just as fluidly and easily as 4/4: Enjoy! Dan

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Categories Professional DevelopmentTools for Composers

Tidy, or messy? What is your workspace like? (Tool #57)

Two days ago, my fiance and I cleaned our entire apartment.  We don’t own an electric vacuum, and rely on a manual sweeper to do the job.  However, we borrowed a vacuum and today found out just how much dust and pet dander we were living in over the past two days (and, assuming our […]

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